Friends of UCIAF

The Friends category is intended to allow people without Italian heritage to
support UCIAF, attend dinners and events, participate in service projects and
generally engage in promoting the mission of the Foundation.



  1. Friends would have to be referred by an active member and complete an application, be in “good standing” in
    the community and be approved by the UCIAF Membership chair or
  2. Friends would have to pay current posted dues of $35 if under 65 years old, $25 if over 65
    years old, $20 if a full time student, $20 if a veteran
  3. Friends cannot hold a UCIAF office , chair a committee, or vote at the annual meeting or other
    meetings requesting a membership vote.
  4. Friends can attend all meetings designated as “members only” events.
  5. Friends will receive all correspondence including emails, newsletter, etc.
  6. All other bylaw provisions would apply, if not articulated in these

Download the Application form: