HVNCVR's Luncheon at the VFW

Community Cares Retired Law Enforcement Luncheon

This year’s UCIAF’s Memorial Day Food Drive collected two car loads of food, and delivered an additional $950 donation to Ulster County Community Action. Eliza and Jan from Community Action received our ‘big check’ from UCIAF members Tony Marmo (President/Co-founder), Anthony Tampone (1st Vice President), Mary Tuma (Community Car Coordinator), and Deb Tampone (Board Member at Large).

Each month UCIAF delivers a “Member Donated” complete meal to the Veteran’s Patriot House in Kingston.

Mary Tuma teaching her weekly fitness class at  the People’s Place new Empowerment Center.   She also  volunteers her services at the Ulster Count Office for the Aging and our local Salvation Army. All classes are free and  presented by the UCIAF Community Care Fund Outreach program, which provides for the needs of our community.

Mary delivers the “homemade dinner” to the Patriot House.

Mary Tuma picks up August dinner from John Ioia Jr. at Michael’s Diner.

UCIAF’s Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup Program on the cloverleaf of Route 9W and Delaware Ave., Kingston, NY